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Refining Reinvestment Strategy

Reinvestment Done Smarter


  • CMS Group analysts did a complete analysis of offers, promotions, and the players club program.

  • We did a complete analysis of the markets and how the database was segmented for offers and point reinvestment based on play.


  • CMS Group created a compelling tier players card program with better rewards and game-driven initiatives making the player experience more rewarding.


  • We did a complete analysis of the markets and how the database was segmented for offers and point reinvestment based on play.  We targeted a higher worth customer and a higher incremental customer based on either ADT or trip them, whichever was higher to the customer value.

  • We adjusted the offer dates and promotion dates to make sure customers were not overlapping offers.  This also allowed customers to increase their frequency of trips by redemption dates.

  • Geography was adjusted by the mileage to define markets.  This targeted customers that drove longer to get to the casino and provide a little extra offer.

  • Created a reactivation program to target customers that stopped coming for 3 months or more.  Reactivated 18% of customers that had not visited in 3 months or more.

Opening a Midwest Casino Against All Odds: Projects
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